Useful, worth every dime, inconsistent QC
First, kudos for having an app that has simplified the inspection workflow as well as this has. However, be warned, there are a couple things about this app that will have you scratching your head. For instance, on a iphone 5s the view finder window when taking a photo is about 1" too far to the left. So if you center something when you snap the photo its always shifted to one side. Also, in the latest update, they inexplicably moved the camera icon from the left of the display to the right. Do you know whats on the right side of a phone held in portrait view?? the camera. Combine these two issues and you have photos that look okay when taken but have photobomb fingers in the finished product.
On a more cosmetic note, this app begs for a one touch system for switching between user accounts. Maybe the app can save the passwords of each account then allow you to use a master code or touch id for app access.
greatSamaritan about